Internationales Haus der Autor:innen Graz
Charo Lopes
Galicien, Spanien
Autorin, Fotografin, Herausgeberin
* 1988
studierte Journalismus an der Universität von Santiago de Compostela (BA), künstlerische Fotografie an der ESAD Antonio Faílde und Literatur, Kultur und Vielfalt an der University of A Coruña (MA)
Charo Lopes is currently a member of the editorial board of the monthly newspaper Novas da Galiza and Portal Galego da Lingua; simultaneously, she carries out communication and editing tasks for Através Editora.
As a poet, she won the 1st Xuventude Crea prize in 2014 with Random do quotidiano; Fiz Vergara Vilariño prize, after which she published De como acontece o fim do mundo (Espiral Maior, 2016), and the 35th Cidade de Ourense poetry prize with Album (Aira Editorial, 2020). She is featured in the online poetry anthology Mafia (Leite Edicións, 2021), and in both Entre leiras e labores, antoloxía verbo-visual de autoras galegas (Urutau 2022), and A boca no ouvido de alguém, Antologia de poesia em Língua Portuguesa (Através Editora 2023), two poetry collections compiled by Inma Doval and Tiago Alves, respectively.
As a photographer, she specialises in portraits. Her project focuses on women’s representation from a feminist perspective, engaging in a performative game with her models and using images as a means of exploring the self. She was a co-editor in
• Internationales Haus der Autor:innen Graz