Fellowship of the Cultural Department of the City of Graz
Andrea Scrima
New York / Berlin
2023 / 2024
author and visual artist
Andrea Scrima, born in New York City, studied art in New York and Berlin, where she has lived as an author and visual artist since 1984. The German translation of her novel A Lesser Day was published by Literaturverlag Droschl in 2018; Like Lips, Like Skins followed in 2021. She writes essays for the Times Literary Supplement, FAZ, Schreibheft, Music & Literature, The American Scholar, LitHub, and The Brooklyn Rail, among others, is editor-in-chief of the literary magazine StatORec and regularly publishes a column for Three Quarks Daily. In 2020, she co-edited the anthology Writing the Virus, a New York Times Sunday Book Review “New & Noteworthy” title of 2021. Working grant and several research grants from the Berlin Senate; initiative grant from the German Translators’ Fund. Residencies at Schloß Salem (Überlingen), Ledig House / Art Omi (New York) and Villa Romana (Florence); from 2023 at the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation (Taos, NM).
Before deciding to devote herself to her literary work, Andrea Scrima worked for many years as a visual artist, most recently creating text-space installations based on short stories. She has received numerous awards for her artistic work, including an artist grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, work and project grants from the Berlin Senate Department for Cultural Affairs, a grant from the Kulturfonds Foundation and the Lingen Art Prize. Andrea Scrima’s works have been shown in international museums and institutions, including Franklin Furnace, New York; Contemporary Art Center, Moscow; Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin; Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen; American Academy in Rome; Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg; Kunst Haus Dresden; Museumsakademie Berlin; The Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha. Her artist’s book Panta Rhei is part of the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, the Whitney Museum, New York, and the Houghton Library at Harvard University, Cambridge.
Roman. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Christian von der Goltz und Andrea Scrima.
Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz: 2021 (Original: Like Lips, Like Skins)
Roman. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Barbara Jung.
Literaturverlag Droschl, Graz: 2018 (Original: A Lesser Day)
Roman. Spuyten Duyvil Press, Brooklyn, New York 2010. Zweite Edition 2018
In der Anthologie Strange Attractors (Hrsg. Edie Meidav und Emmalie Dropkin).
University of Massachusetts Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts März 2019
In der Anthologie Wreckage of Reason II: Back to the Drawing Board (Hrsg. Nava Renek).
Spuyten Duyvil Press, Brooklyn, New York 2014
Als Herausgeberin:
Anthologie. Andrea Scrima, David Winner (Hrsg.).
Aus der „Corona Issue“ der Literaturzeitschrift StatORec.
Outpost 19 Books, San Francisco, CA. Nov. 2020
andreascrima.com 3 Quarks Daily: Musings On Exile, Immigrants, Pre-Unification Berlin, Trauma, Naturalization, And A Native Tongue 3 Quarks Daily: On Fallow Land, Fairies, And Phillip Jenninger’s Controversial Speech Before The West German Parliament Artist in Exile: Jonas mekas and a Moment in Lost, Lost, Lost (Essay)

• Fellowship of the Cultural Department of the City of Graz