Graz International House of Authors

Sol Mariño

Galicia, Spain


poet and interdisciplinary artist

* 1986


Sol Mariño was born in A Coruña, in the northwest of Galicia. She spent her childhood in the rural environment to which she feels very attached.

She studied Audiovisual Communication and Photography in Barcelona. Meanwhile, she deepened her theater experience by starting to interpret her texts and perform her poems on stage.

From 2009 to 2016, she lived as a nomad between Buenos Aires, Argentina and Brazil, traveling by bicycle and hitchhiking. During these years, she wrote a large part of As alas da serpe (The Serpent’s Wings), her first book of poetry, published in 2023 by Aira Ed. (Allariz, Galicia). It is written in Galician and includes some of her own photographs. Her poetry and her photographic work are closely linked.

She sold or traded poems and postcard photographs at fairs or on the street and also worked in a sewing and textile screen-printing cooperative, as a living statue on the street, as a temp in vineyards and in the countryside, as a lifeguard and as a muralist giving workshops for children.

Since 2017, she has been running a multidisciplinary project that combines photography, screen printing, design and poetry: CandoChoveeFaisol (@candochoveefaisol).

After the publication of the book, As alas da serpe also becomes a poetic-musical performance accompanied by musicians Pablo Caamiña (hurdy-gurdy, guitar) and Marta Seco (violin and vocals) with several performances in Galicia and Madrid.

As a photographer, she showed her work in the exhibitions Nada me pertence, tudo faz parte de min (Nothing belongs to me, everything is part of me), linked to her poetry collection, and NÚAS .nosso estranho amor. (Naked. Our bizarre love), where human nudes and living spaces dialog with poetic texts and oral poetry performances.

CandoChoveeFaisol Artikel (Spanisch): "Quiero que la palabra 'tierra' sea a la vez una denominación, una canción y un grito" TV Interview Ausstellung: NÚAS .nosso estranho amor. Artikel (Spanisch): "O que tento contar, con poesía ou imaxe, está fóra do evidente. Forma parte dese mundo sutil"
© Pedro Puig

• Graz International House of Authors